On the way home from Scrappy Badger and the bagging of Look Out Mountain ride to take a break from driving and to allow my brain a rest stopped in Trenton for a ride. As well as to move around a bit as sitting for too long causes things in the areas injured to ache a wee bit and movement helps.
So went up to Batawa for a quick ride that started as a simple get to Frankford Hill 180 to get it again. Because why not. And to get one more Ontario high point ridden in 2022 because while waiting for surgery who knows when that will happen. So try to get one more thing in.
Once got to the Frankford Hill 180 high point and quick photo it was down and head back in the direction of the parking lot. Where approaching Batawa Hill and quick look at the time. Made a snap decision to aim to grab one more as well as maybe a cool photo with sunset. Headed up to the Batawa Hill high point.
Once at the top while it wasn't glorious red that everyone raves about it was a sunset. And two summit shots with the sunset in the back ground. And also making it three Ontario peak or summits for the day. And with still enough light it was back to the Batawa ski hill parking lot and the Dirtbag Ute.
Once safely back at the Ute it was time to head for caffeine and start driving the 401 again. While sitting in the Starbuck's parking lot as I looked at the map of the Batawa Trenton area an idea came to me of a potential challenge. Of course this requires further research via the usual maps and way too many hours staring at Google Earth Satellite view.
In the end not just one extra peak bagged but two. And another idea to look into for a potential ride if possible.
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